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[] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for Papyrus

New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. BasicIndexOutOfBoundsException below CustomDiagramDragDropEditPolicy.dropStateInvariant (thrown in BasicEList.get) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. IllegalArgumentException below SequenceReferenceEditPolicy.deactivate (thrown in ListenerList.remove) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. NoClassDefFoundError in CodegenPreferencePage.<init> 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. NullPointerException below ConfigureMessageEventCommand.createMessageEnd (thrown in EcoreEList.resolveProxy) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. NullPointerException in CreateNewElementInTableMenuContributionItem.addSelectionListener 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in SetValuesAdviceEditHelperAdvice.getSetFeatureValueCommand 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. CoreException in PrepareInstallProfileJob.resolve 176 UNCONFIRMED normal 506412
2. IllegalArgumentException below FigureUtilities.setFont (thrown in GC.setFont) 173 UNCONFIRMED normal 473157
3. NullPointerException below DelegatingObservable.fireEvent (thrown in DecoratingObservableValue.setValue) 161 NEW major 506413: NullPointerException below DelegatingObservable.fireEvent (thrown in DecoratingObservableValue.setValue)
4. NoSuchMethodError in InternalModelIndex.afterIndex 105 UNCONFIRMED normal -
5. SWTException below StringCombo$CComboObservableValue.doSetValue (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 104 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in AbstractEMFOperation.rollback 85 UNCONFIRMED normal 473648
7. NoStackTrace in ElementTypeRegistry.getMetamodelTypeDescriptor 69 ASSIGNED normal 477332
8. ClassNotFoundException below ClassLoaderHelper.loadClass (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 53 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. SAXParseException below CrossReferenceIndex.runIndexHandler (thrown in ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException) 51 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. ClassCastException in ToggleSubmodelHandler.getSelection 49 UNCONFIRMED normal -
11. SWTException below EditorParentComposite.setFocus (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 49 UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. PackageNotFoundException below CatalogSetManager.initRegisteredEntries (thrown in XMLHandler.getPackageForURI) 46 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. NullPointerException in ShardResourceHelper.findAnnotation 44 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. PartInitException below OpenDiagramEditPolicy$OpenDiagramCommand.doExecuteWithResult (thrown in WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor) 40 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. SWTException below StringEditor$2$ (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 38 UNCONFIRMED normal 506409
16. NullPointerException in DefaultSemanticEditPolicy.getCreateCommand 37 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. NullPointerException in MemberEndModelElement.isEditable 37 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. ClassCastException in AbstractExecuteInJobHandler.getSelectedProjectName 36 UNCONFIRMED normal -
19. IOException below EMFLogicalModel.saveModel (thrown in PlatformResourceURIHandlerImpl.createOutputStream) 35 UNCONFIRMED normal -
20. IllegalStateException in AbstractShowHideRelatedLinkEditPolicy$1.doExecuteWithResult 32 UNCONFIRMED normal -
21. IOException below ModelSet.demandLoad (thrown in PlatformResourceURIHandlerImpl.createInputStream) 31 UNCONFIRMED normal -
22. NullPointerException in AbstractServiceUtils.getTransactionalEditingDomain 31 UNCONFIRMED normal -
23. SWTException below SemanticUMLContentProvider$RootsAdapter.triggerRefresh (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 31 UNCONFIRMED normal -
24. NoStackTrace in IndexManager$ContentTypeService$ 29 UNCONFIRMED normal -
25. RuntimeException in PrepareInstallProfileJob.resolve 27 UNCONFIRMED normal -
26. NullPointerException in LayersApplicationService.disposeService 26 UNCONFIRMED normal -
27. FileNotFoundException below IndexManager$ContentTypeService$ (thrown in FileInputStream.open0) 25 UNCONFIRMED normal -
28. IOException below OnDemandCrossReferenceIndex.doIndex (thrown in PlatformResourceURIHandlerImpl.createInputStream) 25 UNCONFIRMED normal -
29. NullPointerException in MultiDiagramPropertySheetPage.selectionChanged 24 UNCONFIRMED normal -
30. PartInitException below OpenDiagramEditPolicy$OpenDiagramCommand.doExecuteWithResult (thrown in WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor) 23 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount
FIXED: 210

To remove a problem from this report, visit its web page and set its resolution to something else than 'unresolved'.

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