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[] Why packages org.eclipse.gmf.internal.codegen.draw2d have been copied?

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU

Hi Francisco,

I look the code in org.eclipse.papyrus.common diagram and I remark that you have copied  two classes :org.eclipse.gmf.internal.codegen.draw2d.

I wonder if  it is legal to copied these two into this package?

This code is no called. Maybe, we can remove it?
Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63

De : [] De la part de Cedric Dumoulin
Envoyé : jeudi 13 novembre 2008 14:36
À : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Problem with papyrus build execution

  This is not waste of time. This are real problems encountered every days by those working on sources. Like the problems of naming in an practical and every day use the different versions, and not on a political way.

  JDK 1.6 provide enhancement on jdk1.5. The choice have been made on a political base rather than technical. Until when do Eclipse will stay on java 5 ? Java 7 is already on its way.
  What is added value of using java5 for build ? Normally, bytecode produce by java6 should/can be compatible with java 5 in execution.

  I have no space to install another jdk, and no, I will not downgrade to jdk5. I try to tune my settings to have 1.5 compliance for Papyrus, but I am boring to do it each time (and waste precious time) I switch or create the workspace, or each time the workspace crash because of different reasons.


Raphael FAUDOU wrote:
I'm sorry to interfere but I' m not really happy to see that the global MDT Papyrus team looses time on subjects already addressed.
I recall what we have already decided for the MDT Papyrus JRE : support is Java 5.0 (as there is no support for Java 6 from Eclipse platform) .
Please respect the decided rules or we will be late : it is one of the fundamental principles of collaborative work...

Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :

  My favor is 1.6 for build. This should be compatible with 1.5 for execution.

  But this is my point of view, and I know that it is not shared :-).


Emilien PERICO wrote:
Hi all,

I tried to install to papyrus build (made by obeo the 12th) from the update site.
All features are correctly installed but I'm not able to start a new papyrus empty model.

I can't do this because of execution environment constraint on the wizard (oep.wizards needs JavaSE 1.6)
We already have the problem of Java version in our development and I think we must decide which one use to avoid constant  modification by all of us.

Just to remind that the recommended environnement to use Eclipse is Java 5 JRE.
It would be better if all of us use it.

About the Papyrus build, maybe we should change this constraint to be compliant with Eclipse recommendations.
If not, we must add Java-1-6 in requirements for the papyrus build, but we have to decide quickly and change this.

Emilien PERICO
Ingénieur - Atos Origin
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Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
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Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Atos Origin Midi Pyrénnées

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