Hello Team,
I think I've fixed the branch tests job. It's currently failing
because some kind of compiling error in a xtext-based generated
code. May be a recent Xtext change. I'm running a tools build to
verify that.
Since I don't have a proper environment to deal with Xtext, I'll
wait until Ed fixes this (in case that the same failure occurs in
the tools tests job)
On the other hand the releng tests infrastructure has suffered some
changes. The important things to know are the following:
- Apart from compiling all the source code and running JUnit tests,
now it will create the same zips that are created in the tools
build. This gives a chance to check the result of a branch by
downloading the artifacts from the hudson job, as Ed claimed.
- There is no signing neither any promotion process.
- There has been some changes (renaming and creation) in the files
used by the tests job, so any current existing branch which you want
to test via the branch tests job needs to get merged with the
current master before running the job with such a Obviously, the
new branches created from the master will have the correct files.
Now, I'll have a look to the maintenance job
Best Regards,