Nice guidelines ;).
Here you have some feedback:
- Fetch and
Rebase local master onto origin/master to ensure master is
Since we have fetched from upstream before, it looks like "fetch" is
superfluous. On the other hand, since it's described below as a more
general action, I guess we could live with it ;P.
- Optionally Archive Old
topic Branch to
prune the EGit displays
When renaming a local branch, will the branch be renamed in the
Eclipse repository. Wouldn't be we probably have two branches
(bug/xxxxx and archive/xxxxx) in the repository ? Have anybody
tried that ?
- Create New Branch... If you want to continue development on a
pre-existing branch you should Checkout an existing branch. This
creates a local branch for which the remote branch is the
upstream configuration, ensuring that Fetch and Push are useful.
I think it's not clear if you want to checkout a pre-existing
local branch, or you want to create a local branch from a
pre-existing remote branch. If the former, no branch is created
because it already exists. If the latter "checkout" is not the
proper word.
In the later case, I'm wondering if some kind of tuning should
be done concerning the upstream configuration. Do we want to
rebase on top the remote origin/bug/xxxxx from which we created
the bug, or do we want to rebase onto the remote origin/master
one ?. We should probably need to update our local branch with
changes which may come from both origin/bug/xxxxx and
On the other hand, we could also consider to distinct between
reviewing a bug branch (simply checking out the remote
origin/bug/xxxxx branch) and developing against it (which should
need to create a local branch to develop). I say that because if
we don't plan to develop, it's easier to checkout an always
(usually) updated/fetech remote tracking branch, rather than
having to do manual and/or automatic rebase/merges to have an
updated local branch.
- Fetch and Rebase Branch... In order to merge concurrent changes from
for instance origin/master you Rebase onto the origin/master branch. This does not
affect the origin/master branch.
I don't understand this, and I'm not sure what you try to explain.
- Push to Upstream
AFAIK, when pushing to upstream, will push every created branch
to the Eclipse repository. I guess we will then always push ALL
the created local branches to the Eclipse repository. Is there
any way to exclude a branch from the automatic "push to
upstream" action, for instance, if we had any kind of test
branch ?. Do we have to use the more manual "push..." action,
instead ?
El 30/07/2011 21:52, Ed Willink escribió:
http://wiki.eclipse.org/MDT/OCL/Dev/EGit is ready to be reviewed.
I think that it is very much in line with Laurent's workflows,
justbadding rationale and detail.
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