In the last build I did some hours ago, the console shows that all
the process prior to the signing step looks free of errors...
Best Regards,
El 31/05/2011 6:37, Ed Willink escribió:
Hi Adolfo
Orbit now has an R20110523182458 (as well as an S20110523182458).
Changing our builds to R made no difference.
I think the missing parameters means than none of the platform
build.type guards in ocl-platform.rmap pass, so no platform.
Looking at the Xtext parameters, they don't look too hard to
clone; only the reference repository looks harder.
(They have a "sign" parameter which could save time on N-builds.)
(There is also a Publish Javadoc config: is this the 'same' as our
I'll leave it to you.
On 31/05/2011 06:08, Ed Willink wrote:
Hi Adolfo
My start ability was back so I tried a build; it went straight
off; indeed no job parameterization. Failed on an Orbit access.
I'll see what's missing.
80% of recent jobs have failed, glancing at a couple suggests
file permission issues.
I suspect Denis is busy; strangely no further update message.
On 31/05/2011 00:40, Adolfo Sanchez Barbudo wrote:
I've realized that there is missing info in the job's
configuration... among other things, users' access, which was
the cause why we weren't able to run the job... The job
parameters are also missed...
I hope to fix the issue tomorrow's morning... Perhaps, we
should also warn Denis and/or cross project mail list about
the issue...
The point is that I CAN'T START a job.
So I can't do anything right now...
I'd definitely wait until servers are
stable. If the servers are stable,
perhaps the current state of project
can successfully be built...
My opinion is:
1. Announce the delay Eclipse OCL RC3
until tomorrow's morning.
2. Try to run an S-build in the
a) If we can't run builds yet
=> raise a bugzilla to Eclipse
b) If we can, we could take a
decision depending of the result of
the built.
The Download for docbook
zips failed while I watched.
So it's failed now.
It seems that with limited
network connectivity, the
download may be a problem.
Option 1:
revert the documentation to
the non-auto-generated form.
will probably need a retry,
so realistically 3 builds
through a massive
slow Hudson queue.
Option 2:
manually do the zip
downloads so that they don't
need a get each build
Option 3:
notify cross-project-issues
that RC3 will be late.
- the only changes are
examples and doc (? and
source bundles)
-- very unlikely to affect
other projects: they can use
- hopefully connectivity
will be back within 24 hours
I favour starting on 3, and
see how David Williams
reacts. I'm sure other
projects will stretch too.
On 30/05/2011 21:08,
Adolfo Sanchez Barbudo
I did the change to
the master... it's not
really worthy since it
is an N build... the
point is that now I
can't either stop the
running job nor start
a new one .... :\