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Re: [m2e-users] Copy resources doesn't work for maven module's main resources

Seems it was due to a plugin i have implemented which was overriding the default life cycle mapping metadata.

Best regards,

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 3:08 PM Gayan Perera <gayanper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well copying the content from lifecycle mapping xml into the workspace lifecycle mapping file (which is a experimental feature) actually enabled the resource:resourece to work by changing both to

resources:resources | execute | workspace
resources:testResources | execute | workspace

Any reason it doesn't work by default ?

Running m2e 1.9.1 with Eclipse 4.10 M1

Best regards,

On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 2:54 PM Gayan Perera <gayanper@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
When importing a module where the modules has resource folders in both test and main src levels, only the test resources are copied in the target test-classes directory when the project is built. No resource are copied from the main resources. I see a difference in project properties > Maven > Lifecycle Mapping

resources:resources | configurator | extension

where as

resources:testResources | execute | default

any reason why the resource:resources has the different value and doesn't work at all. I mean regardless whether the module is multi or single  module this doesn't work for main resources.

Best regards,

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