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[m2e-users] Problem debugging mojo using aether referring to a project in workspace


I'm getting the exception below when debugging a mojo that is using aether api to install some artifacts in a local repository:

InstallRequest installRequest = new InstallRequest();
        try {
            repositorySystem.install(session, installRequest);
        } catch (InstallationException e) {

It seems that the error is related to the fact that the artifact to be an open project in the eclipse workspace. right ?

org.eclipse.aether.installation.InstallationException: Failed to install artifact org.lunifera.runtime.kernel:org.lunifera.runtime.kernel.provisioning:jar:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT: /home/cvgaviao/Development/C4Biz_Projects/Lunifera-Workspace/lunifera-runtime-kernel/org.lunifera.runtime.kernel.provisioning/target/classes (Is a directory)

any workaround other than close the complained project ?



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