I've managed to create a very small showcase of the problem (
https://github.com/papegaaij/maven-javassist-demo ). It has 4 modules with 3 classes in total:
base-classes: nl.topicus.HelloWorld with a perform method that throws UnsupportedOperationException
transformer: nl.topicus.DemoTransformer replaces the perform method with a real 'Hello world!'
transformed-classes: destination of the transformed HelloWorld
demo: nl.topicus.Demo invokes HelloWorld.perform
mvn compile works fine on the commandline and mvn exec:java in demo shows 'Hello world!'. In Eclipse, Demo.java does not compile, and running it gives "Unresolved compilation problem: HelloWorld cannot be resolved to a type". In the project explorer (after unhiding output folders), I can see the correctly transformed HelloWorld class and it should be on the classpath. I really don't understand why Eclipse does not pick it up as a type in Demo.java.
I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at it. The plugin itself is available at
https://github.com/papegaaij/maven-javassist . The current version (1.1-SNAPSHOT) is not yet released to maven central, so you need to install it in your local repo. Perhaps you can see what's going wrong, because I'm at a loss.
Best regards,
Emond Papegaaij