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[m2e-users] Java8-ea

I'm developing for JavaFX8, so I'm using Java8-ea SDK (currently b120).
Recently I started using lambda (rationale was: since I'm using JavaFX8 anyways I can take vantage in the good things of Java8 also).
I had to change, in my parent pom:


This works as expected.
Problem is: when I ran "Maven -> Update Project..." eclipse "Preferences -> Java Compiler  JDK Compliance" was reset to 1.4 on "project specific settings", while, obviously, "Workspace settings -> Java -> Compiler -> Compiler compliance level" remained at "1.8 (BETA)".

What did I do wrong?

I'm using:
  e(fx)clipse - IDE - Kepler
  e(fx)clipse addons - Tooling - RoboVM Integration
  Eclipse e4 Tools (Incubation) 0.14.0.v20130620-0935
  Eclipse Git Team Provider
  Eclipse Java Development Tools Patch for Java 8 Support (BETA)                           1.0.0.v20131115-0111_BETA_JAVA8
  Eclipse Plugin-in Development Environment Patch for Java 8 Support (BETA)    1.0.0.v20131115-0111_BETA_JAVA8
  Eclipse RCP Patch for Java 8 Support (BETA) 1.0.0.v20131115-0111_BETA_JAVA8
  Eclipse SDK 4.3.1.M20130911-1000
  Eclipse XML Editors and Tools 3.5.1.v201307171524-7H7IFiwDxumVt0J7gijShVTqs4BePbKwUtS9PL
  EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK 2.9.2.v20131212-0558
  m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
MercurialEclipse 2.0.0.v201210091230
  MWE 2 language SDK 2.5.0.v201312110944
  MWE 2 runtime SDK 2.5.0.v201312110307
  Subclipse (Required) 1.8.20
  Subversion Client Adapter (Required) 1.8.4
  SVNKit Client Adapter (Not required)
  Windows Binaries for Mercurial (Recommended) 2.3.2.v201210212000
  Xtext SDK 2.5.0.v201312110906


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