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Re: [m2e-users] Need to understand how/if m2e automatically downloads changed dependencies

m2e dependency resolution behaves as if all <repository> and
<pluginRepository> have updatePolicy=never. It is also possible to force
dependency update during right-click -> Maven -> Update Project.

If you want to see dependency download in action, add new dependency to
any workspace project's pom.xml. If corresponding artifact is not
already cached in local repository, it will be downloaded and added to
project classpath (assuming this is a java project, of course).

For existing snapshots, deploy new snapshot to remote repository,
right-click on a project that uses the dependency, Maven, Update
Project, check "Force Update of Snapshots/Releases".


On 11/19/2013, 17:05, KARR, DAVID wrote:
I know that m2e has some features for automatically downloading
changed dependencies.  I'm trying to understand exactly under what
circumstances this happens.  I'm trying to produce a demo of this
happening, but I'm realizing I don't really understand how this
works.  Can someone describe a simulated sequence of events that
shows this happening?

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