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Re: [m2e-users] Project no longer builds in Eclipse after upgrading to m2e 1.4

Can you provide a small standalone example project that builds on
command line but fails inside m2e workspace?

Generally, I do not believe it is possible to use tycho-packaging-plugin
build-qualifier goal for non-tycho projects. I thought I filed a Tycho
enhancement request about this, but can't find it any more, maybe it was
closed for the lack of interest.

To manage OSGi version qualifier of maven-bundle-plugin (m-b-p for
short) projects I usually set <_snapshot> bnd instruction to
"${}" for regular command line builds and
".qualifier" when working on the projects inside m2e. The latter is
needed because m2e doesn't/can't maintain ${}
property. You can see complete working configuration example in [1].



On 2013-08-08 3:32 AM, Martin Ellis wrote:

I'm trying to understand why my project no longer builds in Eclipse
after upgrading to m2e 1.4.

The project consists of several OSGi bundles, built using the Felix
maven-bundle-plugin, all in a reactor.

They are later picked up and used by a Tycho build for use in an
Eclipse plugin. In order to ensure that these bundles are updated when
upgrading the Eclipse plugin, I have added a build qualifier to the
bundle-plugin builds:


Then used the ${unqualifiedVersion} and ${buildQualifier} set by the
build-qualifier goal in the Bundle-Version as follows:


Previously, I had used a lifecycle mapping to ensure that the
build-qualifier goal was run by m2e:

                     <execute />

However, after updating to m2e, I am seeing the following error in my
Eclipse log:

   Invalid value for Bundle-Version,
${unqualifiedVersion}.0.${buildQualifier} does not match

I don't understand why these properties are no longer being interpolated.

Is there a better way to get a build qualifier timestamp that's
consistent across projects in a reactor, and that also works in m2e?

Please let me know if a test project would help.

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