Hello everyone,
Sorry if this questions sounds awkward, but I'm trying to understand how things work with m2e. I have two maven projects, one being the parent and the other being the child. In eclipse, whenever I run any of the two goals stated (eclipse:clean and eclipse:eclipse), they only seem to work on the child and never on the parent. For example, there is a .project file for the parent which doesn't go away when I run eclipse:clean; also if I delete it manually, it doesn`t appear when I do eclipse:eclipse.
Furthermore, the .settings folder never gets affected for neither the parent, nor the child. From my understanding, the eclipse:clean goal should delete the .project, .classpath, .wtpmodules files and .settings folder whereas eclipse:eclipse should create it.
Am I doing something wrong or... ? I would very much appreciate if someone could give me a hint or point me in the right direction.
Best regards,
Alex G.
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