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Re: [m2e-users] System dependencies unresolved

Dependency in the settings... Stupid question ! A dependency should be 
attached to a project...
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Yes, m2e uses the java context of Eclipse... so, to resolve a POM 
dependencce linked to a specific JDK, the JDK is required to start 
Eclipse... restricitive use case ! Why you do not use the java preferences ?

Best wshes
Philippe Bastiani
"Philippe Bastiani" <philippe.bastiani@xxxxxxxxxxx> a écrit dans le message 
de news:je00cv$71b$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
> Hello the list
> In the FAK, we read that in some circumstances the JDK is required to find 
> javac in M2E !
> I think, the JDK is also required to resolve some system dependencies : 
> for example, to include tools.jar (on Windows, Linux and Solaris), we need 
> to write a profile that uses the ${java.home} property; and, in this use 
> case, the java context should be filled with values from a JDK
> The following profile works fine in a POM :
>    <profile>
>      <id>default-tools.jar</id>
>      <activation>
>        <property>
>          <name>java.vendor</name>
>          <value>Sun Microsystems Inc.</value>
>        </property>
>      </activation>
>      <dependencies>
>        <dependency>
>          <groupId>com.sun</groupId>
>          <artifactId>tools</artifactId>
>          <version>1.5.0</version>
>          <scope>system</scope>
>          <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath>
>        </dependency>
>      </dependencies>
>    </profile>
> The same profile (with auto/manual activation), in the settings file seems 
> ignored :(
> Is-it a normal situation ?
> Best wishes,
> -- 
> Philippe Bastiani 

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