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Re: [m2e-users] What about alternative compilers

JDT integration is just another set of project configurators and their
mappings. You should be able to provide groovy-specific implementation
as long as there is a way to avoid collisions between m2e.jdt mappings
and groovy-specific mappings.

Also, lets move this to m2e-dev, as this discussion is more appropriate there.


On 11-05-31 6:22 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
The groovy person I've been helping is about to release a compiler
plugin as a replacement for the entire gmaven plugin! So, I need to
(a) persuade the normal java support to go ahead and turn itself on
in this case, and (b) then stack the groovy nature into the picture,
perhaps via a secondaryTo?

Can I do this, or does it wait core work?

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