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[lyo-dev] DoorsOauthSample query with wildcards

I've spend most of my day today trying to figure out how to use
wildcards in the lyo DoorsOauthSample project.
I can query for a specific identifier:


and I can query for a specific title:

queryParams.setWhere("dcterms:title=\"Weather\""); //Returns one result

but I want to be able to find all the items that have "Weather" in their
description.  I was hoping for something like:


but it doesn't return any results.

It doesn't help that the example in the code-base:

//SCENARIO A: Run a query for all Requirements modified since 08/02/2010
with OSLC paging of 10 items per
                //page turned on and list the members of the result
OslcQueryParameters queryParamsN = new
OslcQuery queryN = new OslcQuery(client, queryCapability, 10, queryParamsN);
OslcQueryResult resultN = queryN.submit();

doesn't return any results.

Can someone perchance give some guidance?



Q: What would be the best language to build a crawler out of?
A: Jawa
*      Robert Kerr  SSPS Developer and CUBIT Support Manager         *
*      rakerr@xxxxxxxxxx          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0125         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*       Fax: (505) 844-2018       |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0125      *


Seen on the Physics Dept. notice board:
WANTED, Schroedinger's Cat, DEAD OR ALIVE.
*      Robert Kerr  SSPS Developer and CUBIT Support Manager         *
*      rakerr@xxxxxxxxxx          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0125         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*       Fax: (505) 844-2018       |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0125      *


16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone  = 1 Rod Serling
*      Robert Kerr  SSPS Developer and CUBIT Support Manager         *
*      rakerr@xxxxxxxxxx          |    PO Box 5800,  MS 0125         *
*      Phone: (505) 844-8606      |    Sandia National Labs          *
*       Fax: (505) 844-2018       |  Albuquerque, NM 87185-0125      *

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