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[leshan-dev] Regarding current Boostrap Server's implementation clustering capabilities

Hello everybody! 

I've successfully managed to bootstrap my devices via CoAPs, using this great tip, but I now need to validate how I would be able to scale this component horizontally, much like the LwM2M Server would ( 

AFAIK, there is no way to scale out the Bootstrap server as it relies on a single .json and all state resides in memory only.I  don't think that simply having more than 1 Bootstrap server behind a Load Balancer with sticky session capabilities would suffice, even if  both server s were actually reading/writting to the same common .json file. Because of the state issue, both servers would need to share state. Am I right?

Also related, if I do opt to do bootstrapping over CoAPs exclusively, how do I tell the LwM2M Server to start the CoAPs endpoint only? I was trying to achieve this by using the provided demo .jar only, for now. 

Thank you all in advance!


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