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[kura-dev] Kura for Windows available



A Windows version of Kura is now available.


Supported OS: Microsoft Windows 7 and later


There are 2 new profiles available: Win32-nn (to build the 32-bit/x86 version) and Win64-nn (64-bit/x64 version).


The build creates an installer, which performs the full installation on a target machine.

NSIS compiler is required to be installed on build machine in order to create the installer.


It is possible to run Kura in two modes (can be chosen during install process):

-          Automatic startup after user logon via Windows Task Scheduler as a scheduled task. This allows full GUI interaction.

-          Installation as a service – allows running Kura without user logon, but doesn’t allow GUI interaction.


The setup will install Kura for Windows package into:

-          Destination folder chosen by user during setup (default: "C:\Program Files\Kura\"). Here, all executable files (and jar packages) will be copied.

-          ProgramData folder (default: %ALLUSERSPROFILE% = “C:\ProgramData\kura” on Windows Vista and later). Here, all configuration, snapshots and other files will be stored. This folder can be written by non-Administrator user accounts, so all files that can be modified during Kura runtime will be stored here.

-          %TEMP%\Kura. Log files, temporary files and additional temporary configuration data. NB this temporary data is held on a per user basis.


The setup will additionally perform the following steps:

-          Kura native DLLs (dkcomm.dll, KuraNativeWin.dll, KuraService.exe & KuraLauncher.exe) are copied into the appropriate Windows\System folder.

-          Kura configuration (, and startup files are modified (paths adjusted) for the installation directory.

-          The Windows Task Scheduler is used to create a task that runs Kura when the user first logs in.

-          Kura is left running after the installation completes.


There are some new components that might need attention: A JNI library to include all Windows-specific native functions. Manages (silent) startup of the scheduled task, can also be used to manually launch Kura (invokes java using all required parameters). Implementation of the Kura service (if installed as a service). This package has been fixed, because the Win32 code had a few bugs.


There are currently the following limitations:

-          net.admin module is not available due to excessive dependency on Linux.

-          GPIO, Watchdog services not available, because there’s no standard implementation of these interfaces on Windows systems.

-          USB services currently not supported. Might be added later as usb4java seems to have Windows support.


Thanks for your attention. Any feedback is welcome.


Best regards,
Martin Malik

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