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[jwt-dev] Comparison JWT and BPMN

Hi all,
please find attached a first draft document about a comparison between JWT and the Business Process Modeling Notation one of my students was working on during the last weeks. He is still improving the document and once it is finished I will upload the final version also on our JWT wiki. This will be the basis for a transformation using ATL or Acceleo as was discussed in this mornings Telco.
Best regards,
 Dipl.-Inf. Florian Lautenbacher
 Programming Distributed Systems Lab
 Institute of Computer Science
 University of Augsburg
 Universitätsstr. 14
 86135 Augsburg, Germany
 phone:  +49 821 598-3103
 fax:    +49 821 598-2175

Attachment: Comparison_JWT_BPMN_v0_3.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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