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jnosql-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [jnosql-dev] change Json concrete dependence to JSONValueProvider, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] FW: [eclipse/jnosql-parent] 0.0.2, werner.keil
  • Re: [jnosql-dev] 0.0.2, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] 0.0.2 pre-release, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] JNoSQL some numbers in the last 6 months, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] NoSQL, no Limits, lots of Fun!, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Moving the code to Eclipse Foundation, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] FW: [JNOSQL/artemis] Move to Eclipse (#21), werner.keil
  • [jnosql-dev] Moving to Eclipse GitHub and code quality?, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] Which repositories move to Eclipse?, werner.keil
  • [jnosql-dev] discussion, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Review nomenclature on Artemis project[New issue], Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Pointer to Eclipse project, werner.keil
  • [jnosql-dev] JNoSQL current status, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] JNoSQL presentation video, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Possible ambiguitiy of project name Artemis, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] JSR Proposal, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] C4P to Eclipse Summit France, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] JSR scope, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] JNoSQL at Eclipse Wiki, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] 0.0.2 Roadmap, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Release version 0.0.1, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] JNoSQL documentation, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Thanks for feedbacks and release version 0.0.1, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • Re: [jnosql-dev] Wrong license headers, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] JOIN queries: Methods to JOIN multiple documents, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Create Aggregation: missing groupby, having-by equivalents to Document, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] What could be part of initial contribution?, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] Diana API reaview [help wanted], Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Eclipse organization and structure of repositories?, Werner Keil
  • [jnosql-dev] Fwd: [ec] The January meeting minutes are now public, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Improves Query Condition to Document and Column[PR], Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Creates Document and Column alias [PR}, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Does make sense have sync and async behavior on different interfaces?[Discussion], Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Presentation about JNOSQL to F2F, Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] Next Week Activities [Europe], Otávio Gonçalves de Santana
  • [jnosql-dev] First post, Ivan Junckes Filho
  • Welcome to jnosql-dev, portal on behalf of emo

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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