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[jms-dev] New Messaging TCK has been staged


I wanted to pass on that a new TCK build for Jakarta Messaging has been posted to the staged-900 folder: contains the following information:

*********************************************************************************** *** TCK bundle information *** *** Name: *** *** Bundle Copied to URL: *** *** Date and size: date: 2020-09-23 16:27:50.000000000 +0000, size(b): 8870738 *** *** SHA256SUM: a73f36b91113002a2923612a54323bde17d0ea1f43f48f5a1dbe0301eb7b2035 *** *** *** ***********************************************************************************

I kicked off a stand-alone TCK test run, using this week's GlassFish weekly build. Results will be available here, once that is completed. If the latest version of Eclipse Open MQ has not yet been merged to GlassFish, these results will not be useful.

Hope this is helpful,

-- Ed

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