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Re: [jgit-dev] Webmaster wants to get rid of Gerrit

> On 15 Nov 2021, at 11:39, Han-Wen Nienhuys via jgit-dev <jgit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 11:41 PM Matthias Sohn <matthias.sohn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> webmaster opened the issue
>> since they want to get rid of Gerrit in favor of gitlab or github.
>> I would personally prefer to continue using Gerrit for several reasons:
>> I clearly prefer the commit-centric review style Gerrit implements over branch-centric PRs or MRs
>> I don't want to lose all the invaluable review comments we collected during the last 12 years developing in Gerrit.
>> Gerrit runs on JGit and we should eat our own dog food
>> I am a Gerrit maintainer (so I am biased)
>> What's your opinion?
>> Options if we want to continue using Gerrit and webmaster doesn't provide it anymore:
>> Take over the Eclipse gerrit instance on a project managed vserver at Eclipse and run it ourselves. That's how we started using Gerrit at Eclipse before the webmaster took it over.
>> Move our repositories to a public managed Gerrit site. GerritForge signaled they would be willing to host a Gerrit instance for Eclipse.
> Google has a large interest in the health of JGit, as it is the
> foundation of Git/Gerrit hosting at Google. We would be happy to host
> Gerrit for JGit development. What other projects are there that need
> Gerrit?
> Any kind of migration (be it to Gerritforge or will
> need some planning, as we'd likely want to carry over review history,
> which requires some metadata rewrites, and the code to do this doesn't
> exist yet.

We have some scripts to adjust the change numbers and server-ids: we could provide a PoC on of what the repos would look like.

The only important open point is the mapping of the accounts:
- all JGit/EGit users would have to exist also on Gerrit-review or GerritHub (hence GitHub)
- we need to create and apply the lookup map for the accounts
- all accounts’ e-mails need to be aligned between Eclipse’s Gerrit and Gerrit-review or GerritHub


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