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Re: [jgit-dev] (no subject)

I have to add that this class exception error only happen when i'm with repo with https, if I have with http every work's fine.. (but it's not allowed in my campany)

Marco Sousa

2014-11-22 11:29 GMT+01:00 Marco Sousa <marcomsousa@xxxxxxxxx>:
I copy jre inside eclipse, i clean windows variable CLASSPATH and PATH and I still have the random Class Exception error.
If we shouldn't hardcoded the handler, we must fix this issue in another way.. this only happen with egit >= 2.2.0.. Maybe we can have a (if ..instanceof ..) { ... } else { //fallback mode ... }, maybe an check in preference..

Marco Sousa

2014-11-20 16:47 GMT+01:00 Alex Blewitt <alex.blewitt@xxxxxxxxx>:
The JRE used by the eclipse instance is only for showing the eclipse windows etc. at runtime for Java apps the JRE used is specified in the launch config, which may not be what the eclipse instance is using. 

The fact you're seeing this randomly is probably due to having duplicate jars on the classpath somehow and using different class loaders eg different web apps. 

What further investigations have you done wrt the duplicate class issue in the runtime jvm that you are seeing?


Sent from my iPhat 6

On 20 Nov 2014, at 15:19, Marco Sousa <marcomsousa@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

With one JRE 1.7 Oracle inside the eclipse dir, still give the cast error (Randomly).

Inside the Eclipse I see that the jre is the jre 1.7 Oracle.

*** System properties:

Marco Sousa

2014-11-19 12:16 GMT+01:00 Gunnar Wagenknecht <gunnar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I have one clean Eclipse 4.4.1 with EGIT 3.5.2 and JBOOS Tools, Websphere Tools, Mylin, JIRA.
> And I zip this folder and I give to 10 people in my company, in all of the 10 people give this problem randomly. (50% works fine, and 50% don't work with this cast exception).
> Maybe we Websphere plugins is incompatible with egit plugins? How to fix this?

Did you check the JRE’s the developers you? What if you include a JRE that works in the zip? Simple place it in a folder called ‘jre’ inside the ‘eclipse’ folder and Eclipse will use that instead of the one installed on each machine.


Gunnar Wagenknecht

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