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[jgit-dev] Release candidate for maintenance release 3.0.2

I tagged v3.0.2.201309041250-rc2 and contributed it to Kepler SR1 RC2

Find the p2 repository on at

Find the JGit Maven artifacts in the release repository on at

The RC2 release train repository is not yet published but should be available soon.

This version's p2 repository doesn't yet contain pack200 artifacts for JGit since I didn't yet find a way to
publish them into the p2 repository. This is caused by the transition from the old dash signing
plugin to the CBI signing plugin. I filed
to request Tycho support for a proper solution.

Please test this version and report issues you may find.

JGit fixes since 3.0.0:

eed5824 - 2013-09-04, Matthias Sohn : Uncomment eclipse-jar-signer plugin
b97a35d - 2013-09-04, Matthias Sohn : Update build to use CBI jarsigner plugin
3eb05be - 2013-08-30, Matthias Sohn : Update maven plugins
e9bab21 - 2013-08-28, Matthias Sohn : Update to Orbit Kepler SR1 release R20130827064939
99d981c - 2013-08-21, Robin Rosenberg : Update reflog like C Git during rebase (non-interactive)
bd57789 - 2013-08-21, Christian Halstrick : Make sure checkout is not deleting folders outside the workingtree
ab4ade4 - 2013-08-21, Matthias Sohn : Update to Jetty 7.6.11.v20130520
c128100 - 2013-08-21, Robin Stocker : Fix bugs in TreeWalk#isPathSuffix used by PathSuffixFilter
c222b18 - 2013-08-21, Robin Stocker : Refactor PathSuffixFilterTest to remove duplication
781b0b5 - 2013-08-21, Hiroshi Tomita : Check parentFile is not null
27c1c51 - 2013-08-21, Hiroshi Tomita : Update HEAD in cherry-picking several commits
81db591 - 2013-08-21, Alex Rukhlin : Fix HTTP response processing for WWW-Authenticate headers
bbea37a - 2013-08-21, Dave Borowitz : Don't skip want validation when the client sends no haves
8a7f486 - 2013-08-21, Robin Rosenberg : Fix tests for OS X when the tmpdir is the default /tmp
423f722 - 2013-08-21, Robin Rosenberg : Fix running maven http tests on OS X
ec2202f - 2013-08-21, Robin Rosenberg : Recognize CRLF when parsing the short message of a commit or tag
4b41b68 - 2013-08-21, Matthias Sohn : Update build to use Tycho 0.18
f94b258 - 2013-08-21, Matthias Sohn : Add jgit target platform to define dependencies more precisely

EGit fixes since 3.0.1

522ea8b - 2013-09-04, Matthias Sohn : [historyView] Prevent nested merge and cherry-pick
e61a3ec - 2013-09-04, Matthias Sohn : Update build to use CBI jarsigner plugin
906c397 - 2013-09-03, Mikae�<88>l Barbero : GitSyncObjectCache erroneously changes the sync state of resources
9a061b5 - 2013-09-03, Robin Stocker : Fix compare editor element label for "file not in commit"
374318a - 2013-09-02, Robin Stocker : RepositoryAction: Only calculate isEnabled if relevant selection changes
0f2c9d7 - 2013-08-31, Robin Stocker : Add refresh of linked folder to LinkedResourcesTest
58db783 - 2013-08-30, Robin Stocker : Fix inefficient implementation of GitScopeOperation
ebcf1b7 - 2013-08-30, Matthias Sohn : [historyView] Prevent nested rebase
eadb080 - 2013-08-28, Robin Stocker : Fix sorting of files in commit dialog tree
676b5ad - 2013-08-28, Matthias Sohn : Update to Orbit Kepler SR1 release R20130827064939
d4aae79 - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Improve usability of "Create New Tag" dialog
fdc286a - 2013-08-23, Matthias Sohn : Lookup keybinding used to trigger content assist
7138906 - 2013-08-23, Matthias Sohn : Decorate repositories view logo
ce535de - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : [repoView] Make "Delete Repository..." more explicit
03d533c - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Make sure Comparator implementation does not violate contract
77944d1 - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Fix NPE in CommitMessageComponent#setDefaults
52ad32e - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : [repoView] Ask whether to remove/delete repo when pressing Delete
d01c215 - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in MergeToolTest
cf80bc9 - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Don't automatically connect projects in /, /home or /home/username
50feacd - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Extract method in AutoShareProjects to reduce nesting
230cce6 - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Extend labels of sources in Import Projects from Git
b8e2c5f - 2013-08-23, Laurent Goubet : Fix potential NPE from passing null as progress monitor
cfbf8f5 - 2013-08-23, Christian Georgi : Consider IResource.getLocation() being null
d4e6dda - 2013-08-23, Robin Stocker : Fix scheduling rule error when ignoring resources in nested projects
8a0dd9f - 2013-08-23, Matthias Sohn : Update build to use Tycho 0.18
9eda752 - 2013-08-23, Matthias Sohn : Update target platform to use Jetty 7.6.11
1c1168a - 2013-08-23, Stephen Elsemore : Fix NPE when selecting filediff in a merge commit
b979ed0 - 2013-08-23, Stephen Elsemore : Auto share multiple projects in single job
227edde - 2013-08-23, Matthias Sohn : Fix to correctly modify dependencies
84bfabd - 2013-08-22, Robin Stocker : Be more strict in LinkedResourcesTest
0e059bd - 2013-08-22, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in GitRepositoriesViewTest
a560ae0 - 2013-08-22, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in GitRepositoriesViewRepoHandlingTest
a28cecd - 2013-08-21, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in GitRepositoriesViewBranchHandlingTest
7bf9738 - 2013-08-21, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in CreatePatchActionTest
028a56f - 2013-08-21, Robin Stocker : Fix instability in CommitActionTest
d6cd5de - 2013-08-21, Matthias Sohn : Ensure that concurrent test runs don't use the same directory
448c7e4 - 2013-08-21, Matthias Sohn : Allow to configure custom test directory
ec86d08 - 2013-08-19, Matthias Sohn : Allow to inject JVM options for tests run from Maven
0c1acb6 - 2013-08-19, Matthias Sohn : Cleanup directories created by GitMoveDeleteHookTest


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