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[jgit-dev] PathFilterGroupTest2 prints to System.out

Can we either remove this output or add a header explaining the output ?

this is the output when I run this test:

PX 1.4E-4 1.7E-5 1 1 5.6E-5
PX 3.1E-5 2.8E-5 2 2 4.2E-5
PX 7.0E-5 8.9E-5 10 10 7.0E-5
PX 6.28E-4 5.85E-4 100 100 4.82E-4
PX 0.005678 0.006311 1000 1000 0.004923
PX 0.030946 0.020311 10000 10000 0.047835
PX 0.28199 0.213849 100000 100000 0.042066
PX 0.081009 0.005232 100000 10000 0.029127
PX 0.093257 4.91E-4 100000 1000 0.006729
PX 0.130197 6.1E-5 100000 100 0.004541
PX 0.161312 2.6E-5 100000 10 0.004505
PX 0.046179 1.0E-5 100000 1 0.019008
PX 0.052391 1.9E-5 100000 1 0.00646
PX 0.108748 8.0E-6 100000 2 0.006591
PX 0.070265 5.0E-6 100000 1 0.005392

it's polluting the console, triggers Eclipse to switch from Junit view to Console view and I don't understand the output without reading the test's source code.

Alternatively we may introduce a logging library (for the tests) and make the output configurable
via log level settings.


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