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Re: [jetty-users] Questions About 9.4.x EOL

Sorry, I should clearly answer your questions as well.

Will security issues still be fixed in a prompt manner? 

Yes, until the release is fully EOL some number of years down the road.

Can I still expect a monthly based release for the 9.4.x branch?

No, there is no expectation on when a release will happen, there is no official schedule, releases will come on an as needed basis.


jesse mcconnell

On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 12:51 PM Jesse McConnell <jesse.mcconnell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've learnt from the previous announcement that 9.4.x will be in Community EOL this April, and might take another 2-3 years until it reaches the actual EOF. The announcement also mentions that releases will continue to come out for 9.4.x within this time frame. Thus, I'm just wondering if anyone could help explain what the releases will be about. Will security issues still be fixed in a prompt manner? Can I still expect a monthly based release for the 9.4.x branch? Thanks!

Fundamentally it means that we will not be taking Community input on the 9.4.x branch.  This means if you find an issue it is fine to submit the issue to the issue tracker but it is unlikely to be handled by the team.  While Webtide has customers that make use of this branch we will continue maintaining it, certainly handling security releases, and issues that turn up from customer usage will be committed onto the branch and released accordingly.  In this way 9.4.x is not completely EOL, just very narrow in scope and primarily a deep focus on stability.

Jetty 12 is currently our primary focus for development with Jetty 10 (javax) and Jetty 11 (jakartaee) releasing in lockstep and the releases we would recommend users migrate for at this time, depending on which servlet namespace they need to leverage.


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