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[jetty-users] The resolve() function in SocketAddressResolver is called twice in https request in Jetty9.4.7



I use Jetty 9.4.7 to write the https client to send the POST request. In my test, I found that sometime the log “customize socketAddressResolver, new host:port” printed twice, it is not always twice, sometime it is once. Could you please help investigate is there is any issue in Jetty 9.4.7?

My scenario:


The original POST request FQDN uri is a SRV FQDN. It has 2 targets, and each target has 2 IPs. only one IP is available for the request handling. So most time, the program will have the sending retry since only 1/4 IPs is good. Sometime, the twice calling on resolve() occurred in the good IP, sometime occurred in the bad IP.


            InetAddress ipAddr = …;

            client.setSocketAddressResolver(new SocketAddressResolver() {



                public void resolve(String host, int port, Promise<List<InetSocketAddress>> promise) {

                    try {

                        InetSocketAddress ipSocketAddr = new InetSocketAddress(ipAddr, port);

                        List<InetSocketAddress> result = Collections.singletonList(ipSocketAddr);


                        if (mydebug.isDebugEnabled()) {

                            mydebug.debug("customize socketAddressResolver, new host:port " + ipAddr.getHostAddress()

+ ":" + port);



                        if (result.isEmpty())

                            promise.failed(new UnknownHostException());



                      } catch (Throwable x) {







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