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Re: [jetty-users] Confusion on adding https for Ubuntu distribution's Jetty

Hi Phil,

I'm wondering if I should just chuck the Ubuntu Jetty

If it doesn't use JETTY_BASE properly, that's what I would do.

Especially given the deploy error you mention - which suggests an incorrect configuration, if Jetty can't find its own built-in module.

(Alternatively, you could ask the Ubuntu maintainer if they have a reason for the setup they use, and if so where they would recommend the keystore file going.)

Once you have a working JETTY_BASE setup, and a valid keystore file, then configuring HTTPS can be just a matter of enabling the module (--module=https in start.ini) plus creating a new XML config file {jetty-base}/etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml which points to the keystore.

(It'd be much nicer to point direct to the Let's Encrypt certificate, but that's not an option.)

Anyway, if you're still having problems after that, I have some notes written up on the process that I can share.


Peter Boughton

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