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Re: [jetty-users] Basic Authenticator response to OPTIONS request with 401

Any further thoughts here?

Certainly this is a problem that should be fixed. 

*) you guys fix it. should I open a issue for it?
*) I fix it on my side only. What is the best approach to do that?


------ Original Message ------
From: "Gregor Jarisch" <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Greg Wilkins" <gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "JETTY user mailing list" <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Joakim Erdfelt" <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 05/15/2019 11:49:04 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [jetty-users] Basic Authenticator response to OPTIONS request with 401

Hi Greg,

well, as a developer, when I want my server to have CORS enabled, I want them to be enabled and communicated back to the client on ANY request.
So, I agree, cors setting should be one of the first things to happen before security is executed.

How can we accomplish this the best?


------ Original Message ------
From: "Greg Wilkins" <gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gregor Jarisch" <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "JETTY user mailing list" <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Joakim Erdfelt" <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 05/14/2019 4:14:41 PM
Subject: Re: [jetty-users] Basic Authenticator response to OPTIONS request with 401

According to the spec, if auth fails, the request is not forwarded to any filters or servlets.
So if just excluding OPTIONs from auth does not work (I think it's worth trying that), then you (or we) need to move CO logic to before filters.  Either in a handler or perhaps even a request customiser??

On Mon, 13 May 2019 at 12:10, Gregor Jarisch <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am not sure if that will solve my problem entirely. I don't want to disable authentication for any of the methods (this is what the config does, if I understood correctly). 
Want I need is the CrossOriginFilter to be executed all the time, no matter if authentication has succeeded or not. 
Without the Cors header added to the response, browser blocks the request all together and thus no prompting the user for credentials.

Is there a way on how I can achieve this? 


------ Original Message ------
From: "Joakim Erdfelt" <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gregor Jarisch" <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "JETTY user mailing list" <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 05/12/2019 5:50:30 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [jetty-users] Basic Authenticator response to OPTIONS request with 401

You'll use the <security-constraint> section in your WEB-INF/web.xml, specifically the <web-resource-collection> and one of (or a combination of) the two options <http-method> or <http-method-omission>.

Here's an example from the Jetty webdefault.xml for disabling TRACE, but enabling everything other http method.

      <web-resource-name>Disable TRACE</web-resource-name>
      <web-resource-name>Enable everything but TRACE</web-resource-name>

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 5:23 AM Gregor Jarisch <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Joakim,

yes, I had the same thought, it would be great to avoid running through the Authenticator on OPTIONS, but how? 
I haven't found an option to do that in jetty.


Gregor Jarisch
Head of Research & Development Technology GmbH
m: +43 699 1 822 74 47

------ Original Message ------
From: "Joakim Erdfelt" <joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gregor Jarisch" <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx>; "JETTY user mailing list" <jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 05/10/2019 5:25:19 PM
Subject: Re: [jetty-users] Basic Authenticator response to OPTIONS request with 401

Perhaps its best to not have OPTIONS covered by Authentication?

The problem is that standard Servlet Authentication is early, super early, before any filter or servlet is called early.

Joakim Erdfelt / joakim@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 10:20 AM Gregor Jarisch <gregor@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

when using the CORS Filter + Basic Authentication, jetty returns a 401 when a client makes an OPTIONS call.
Within the CORS Filter the preflight handling is done correctly, however, it never gets there because jetty returns the 401 before hand.

Is there any way to let the CORS Filter handle the request first?

My current workaround is overriding the verify method and exclude the setting of 401 if method is OPTIONS. This workaround feels not right though..

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