On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 5:00 PM, matthew grisius
matthew.grisius@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I migrated my Solr 4.x app from old style war deployment via tomee plus to newer style Solr 6.x using Jetty.
Solr deploys using the "root context” (default) contextPath = “/“.
I want to change Solr to use a different contextPath, e.g. “/solr" and have exceeded/exhausted my new Jetty user knowledge/options.
I asked on "Solr User” and received no replies.
Perhaps I’m missing something simple?
Thanks, any ideas/suggestions would be really appreciated!
Downloading the Solr 6.2.1 distribution, I see there is a context file
$solr/server/contexts/solr-jetty-context.xml, which references a
property called "hostContext", which is also referenced in
I don't know Solr, but looks that the default is to deploy to /solr,
not to the root context.
Have you tried playing with those files and the "hostContext" property ?
Simone Bordet
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