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Re: [jetty-users] How to turn off Transfer-Encoding: Chunked when sending with jetty client

Connection:close cannot be used to delineate the content of a request (as it can be for a response), because some infrastructure does not well support half closed connections - thus the RFC explicitly disallows this.

So content-length is the only way to avoid chunking in a request.

On 17 November 2015 at 00:04, Tuomas Kiviaho <tuomas.kiviaho@xxxxxx> wrote:

Is there a way to turn off chunking when sending with jetty client.
HttpConnection.normalizeRequest contains a section where chunked transfer
encoding is enforced when content provider length is not specified.

If I skip the normalization then the
HttpGenerator.generateRequest->generateHeaders insist on falling back to
chunked encoding because Connection: close doesn't avoid this fall back
procedure because response(?) is missing. I just set end-of-content despite
missing response (it's request after all that I'm generating) then the
connection is (eventually) marked as non-persistent and chunking is avoided.

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