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Re: [jetty-users] AsyncContentProvider under-documented

On 1/31/15 9:26 AM, Simone Bordet wrote:

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 7:11 AM, John Gardiner Myers
<jgmyers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I need to implement an AsyncContentProvider,
Why ?
Both existing implementations consume an arbitrary amount of memory if the destination is slower than the producer of content. I need to limit the production of content to not much more than what is being consumed.

I would also like the producer to be optionally asynchronous, so when it is rate limited I would want it to later be notified when it should start producing content again.

For cases where the producer can only produce the data once, I want to be able to retry the request to a second server in case the connection to a first server fails. To do that, I need to delay the production of content until the ContentProvider.iterator() method is called. (I am presuming Jetty client doesn't call that method until the connection succeeds.)

The primary use case I have is to stream data in from Jetty server through Jersey 2 and out through Jetty client.

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