To obtain a back ported fix to a specific release on an old branch is exactly the kind of thing that the Intalio|Webtide commercial support provides. On an open source basis we definitely fix reported bugs in the current releases and potentially the last current branch, but we can't go back 3 major releases and 5 point releases on that major release.
To get commercial support, you can contact Jesse McConnell <
jesse@xxxxxxxxxxx> and/or
sales@xxxxxxxxxxxI'm sure Jesse will be in touch soon, but I may as well take the opportunity you've given me to plug our commercial services on the list (we don't do that very much).
The jetty project is supported entirely by such commercial support agreement. We don't have a commercial pro version with extra features and we can only continue to do so if commercial users of Jetty pay for commercial support.
We believe we have a very good commercial offering as it gives your developers direct access to the core Jetty development team with rapid response on questions which can be developer advice or production issues. We believe that the developer advice is a particularly good service as it allows commercial users to avoid putting problems into production and it is much more economical to ask our advice first rather than to need urgent production support.
Greg Wilkins <
gregw@xxxxxxxxxxx> HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales advice and support for jetty and cometd.