Hi Simone,
many thanks for your answer, it turns out that my problems were caused by the fact that I am using Guice to assemble my application and it took me a bit longer to get it to work because I couldn't find any examples anywhere.
I have a solution now but I need some time to make it presentable for the community.
I will post it as soon as I have time and maybe you can take a quick look at it in case you see a better solution.
> Michele,
> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Michele Rossi <michele.rossi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> hi,>> I am trying to set up my CometD server running on Jetty 9.2.1 to support the
>> WebSockets transport.>> I found a few bits and pieces online about configuring jetty to enable
>> org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.jsr356 and in code I tried calling
>> WebSocketServerContainerInitializer.configureContext( sctxHd ) but I have
>> had no luck so far.>>
>> I am interested in finding out how to do it in both code and using the .xml
>> configuration files for my final distribution.>>
>> Do you know of any straightforward examples that I could follow?
> Distribution wise, there is not much you should do, apart enable the
> http, websocket and deploy (to deploy from $JETTY_BASE/webapps)
> modules:
> $ mkdir jetty-cometd> $ cd jetty-cometd
> $ java -jar $JAVA_HOME/start.jar --add-to-start=http,websocket,deploy
> $ cp /whereever/cometd-demo-3.0.0.war webapps/
> $ java -jar $JAVA_HOME/start.jar