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[jetty-users] HttpClient & session management

I'm trying to use an instance of org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient to write a test case for ActiveMQ (which uses Jetty).

I am able to send basic POST & GET responses.  The trouble I'm having is that I am unable to access the JESSSIONID which is returned from the server, so I can't maintain my state across multiple requests.

Here's the test I've worked on :
Here's the output :

This code shows 2 separate ways I've tried accessing the response headers.
  1. Implementing ContentExchange.onResponseHeader.  My callback is never called, though my other onRequestComplete and onResponseComplete callbacks are.
  2. Trying to use ContentExchange.getResponseFields().  The returned object is null.

I watched port 8080 in wireshark while my test was running, and I did see that the 'Set-Cookie' header was returned by the server.

I am able to send a POST to the servlet, and I do receive a response, but without the cookie I can't associate my later requests with the subscriptions I've created in the initial POST.

I can't find any documentation on how session/cookie management should work with org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient.  Can anyone offer any links or tips on this subject?


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