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[jetty-users] jetty 7 RC1 session handler


I would like to know if there are any known issues regarding the SessionHandler in jetty 7 RC1. Because in my case the SessionIdManager is never called, so I get never a session..

I thought it might be usefull to look at these variables (baseRequest) from debugging the method handle in the SessionHandler:

1st Call

baseRequest Request (id=4029) _async AsyncContinuation (id=4036) _asyncSupported true _attributes null _authentication null _baseParameters null _characterEncoding null _connection SelectChannelConnector$2 (id=4031) _context ServletContextHandler$Context (id=4048) _contextPath "" (id=4049) _cookies null _cookiesExtracted false _dispatcherType DispatcherType (id=4050) _dns false _endp SelectChannelEndPoint (id=4034) _handled false _inputState 0 _method "GET" (id=4055) _newContext false _parameters null _paramsExtracted false _pathInfo "/main" (id=4028) _port 0 _protocol "HTTP/1.1" (id=4056) _queryEncoding null _queryString null _reader null _readerEncoding null _remoteAddr null _remoteHost null _requestAttributeListeners null _requestedSessionId null _requestedSessionIdFromCookie false _requestURI null _savedNewSessions null _scheme "http" (id=4059) _scope ServletHolder (id=4060) _serverName null _servletPath "" (id=4061) _session null _sessionManager null _timeStamp 1248279079203 _timeStampBuffer null _uri HttpURI (id=4062)
2nd call

baseRequest Request (id=4029) _async AsyncContinuation (id=4036) _asyncSupported true _attributes null _authentication Authentication$2 (id=4071) _baseParameters MultiMap<K> (id=4073) _characterEncoding null _connection SelectChannelConnector$2 (id=4031) _context ServletContextHandler$Context (id=4048) _contextPath "" (id=4049) _cookies null _cookiesExtracted false _dispatcherType DispatcherType (id=4050) _dns false _endp SelectChannelEndPoint (id=4034) _handled false _inputState 0 _method "GET" (id=4055) _newContext false _parameters null _paramsExtracted false _pathInfo "/stylesheet.css" (id=4064) _port 0 _protocol "HTTP/1.1" (id=4056) _queryEncoding null _queryString null _reader null _readerEncoding null _remoteAddr null _remoteHost null _requestAttributeListeners null _requestedSessionId null _requestedSessionIdFromCookie false _requestURI null _savedNewSessions null _scheme "http" (id=4059) _scope ServletHolder (id=4060) _serverName null _servletPath "" (id=4074) _session null _sessionManager null _timeStamp 1248279190515 _timeStampBuffer null _uri HttpURI (id=4062)
Any ideas? Which information can I provide to locate the problem?

Thank you very much!

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