2) In addition to this, in recent months I've designed a websocket whiteboard, optional but complimentary to the http whiteboard, but I noted several limitations in the Java EE websocket API for which I wasn't able to find an elegant solution, nor in the jetty impl... this is primarily around programmatic destruction of endpoints, unloading. I would love to find a real solution for this and I think that jetty devs are the key here.
3) Another feature I would love is to teach such a whiteboard to provide factory-like bootstrapping mechanism such that new jetty sockets/servers could be opened with new configurations in an OSGi "service factory" way.
4) Lastly, I would love to add the latest state of the art OSGi metadata to jetty bundles such that it can be easily consumed using the OSGi resolver to "calculate" and generate uncompromising web runtimes.
If you are not familiar with this approach there is an tiny project here [1] which illustrates using this model to produce fully resolved applications (in this case web applications) starting with only a set of requirements (namely your code), a repository, and the resolver (using a process defined in the OSGi enRoute [2] project). From this we get super small but useful applications with no unnecessary cruft. Jetty could be a lynch pin in this because of its relevance to the web.