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[jetty-announce] Eclipse Jetty 10.0.7 and 11.0.7 Have Been Released!


The Jetty team is happy to announce the immediate availability of a new release for the Eclipse Jetty 10.0.x and 11.0.x branches.These releases include a number of bug fixes and improvements. It is recommended that all users upgrade as soon as they are able.

A full list of changes for these releases is listed at the end of this email.

This release is available on the Eclipse Jetty project download page or from the Maven Central repository:

Documentation for this release can be found on the Eclipse Jetty project site:

If you find any issues with this release, or if you want to suggest future enhancements, please file an issue on the Jetty GitHub page:

Commercial production and development support for Jetty is offered through Webtide ( Please contact us for more information or email chris@xxxxxxxxxxx to discuss your specific needs.

Best Regards,

The Jetty Development Team

jetty-10.0.7 - 06 October 2021
 + 3514 Use interpolation of versions from pom in mod files
 + 6043 Reimplement UnixSocket support based on Java 16
 + 6322 Use `RetainableByteBuffer` in `HttpConnection`
 + 6369 Increment default jetty.http2.rateControl.maxEventsPerSecond
 + 6372 Review socket options configuration
 + 6403 Deploy a maven based p2-updatesite
 + 6406 Jetty Jaspi module not compatible with Jakarta EE 9 (Jakarta Authentication)
 + 6476 Show message if JVM args are present but new JVM is spawned based on active modules
 + 6487 Expose ServletHolder getter in ServletHandler$ChainEnd for auditing libraries to use
 + 6489 Some URI valid compliance modes cannot be set in .ini file.
 + 6491 onDataAvailable() not called when HttpParser is closed prematurely
 + 6497 Replace SameFileAliasChecker
 + 6520 Error page has HTML error when writePoweredBy is enabled.
 + 6544 Using jetty.gzip.excludedMimeTypeList property results in an error
 + 6545 image/webp MIME type support
 + 6552 FileBufferedInterceptor.dispose not working due to locked file
 + 6553 Review usage of Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED in SecurityHandler
 + 6554 Allow creation of DefaultIdentityService without realmName.
 + 6556 MemcachedSessionDataMap needs to set the context classloader before serialization/deseriazliation.
 + 6558 Allow to configure return type in JSON array parsing
 + 6562 HttpOutput.write(ByteBuffer buffer)
 + 6565 Improve deployment of symlinked webapplications
 + 6566 High CPU use due to new thread created on every websocket message in DispatchedMessageSink
 + 6601 jetty-websocket-core not usable standalone, only with websocket-javax-server or websocket-jetty-server
 + 6602 SessionTracker memory leak on WebSockets that close immediately
 + 6603 HTTP/2 max local stream count exceeded
 + 6617 Add basic auth support for OpenId token endpoint (client_secret_basic)
 + 6618 ID token `azp` claim should not be required if `aud` is single value array
 + 6642 WebSocket handling of Connection: upgrade,close.
 + 6646 Deadlock in HTTP2Flusher when using a small thread pool due to incorrect InvocableType
 + 6652 Improve ReservedThreadExecutor dump
 + 6654 ServerUpgradeRequest.getCookies() can throws NullPointerException
 + 6661 Some SocketOptions not supported on Windows
 + 6677 Update to apache jasper 9.0.52
 + 6687 Upgrade Infinispan in all active Jetty branches
 + 6693 FastCGI review
 + 6696 High WebSocket memory usage in Jetty 10
 + 6752 DefaultSessionCache more extensible using ConcurrentMap
 + 6772 Update to asm 9.2
 + 6853 Remove pack200 plugins
 + 6860 IPv6 format
 + 6868 _uriCompliance attribute has been forgotten in the HttpConfiguration constructor from another configuration
 + 6869 Correct Content-Type within HTML error pages
 + 6870 Encode control characters in URIUtil.encodePath
 + 6883 Welcome file redirects do not honor the relativeRedirectAllowed option
 + 6938 file do not use the canonical order for the elements

jetty-11.0.7 - 06 October 2021
 + 3514 Use interpolation of versions from pom in mod files
 + 6043 Reimplement UnixSocket support based on Java 16
 + 6322 Use `RetainableByteBuffer` in `HttpConnection`
 + 6369 Increment default jetty.http2.rateControl.maxEventsPerSecond
 + 6372 Review socket options configuration
 + 6403 Deploy a maven based p2-updatesite
 + 6406 Jetty Jaspi module not compatible with Jakarta EE 9 (Jakarta Authentication)
 + 6473 Improve alias checking in PathResource
 + 6476 Show message if JVM args are present but new JVM is spawned based on active modules
 + 6487 Expose ServletHolder getter in ServletHandler$ChainEnd for auditing libraries to use
 + 6489 Some URI valid compliance modes cannot be set in .ini file.
 + 6491 onDataAvailable() not called when HttpParser is closed prematurely
 + 6497 Replace SameFileAliasChecker
 + 6520 Error page has HTML error when writePoweredBy is enabled.
 + 6544 Using jetty.gzip.excludedMimeTypeList property results in an error
 + 6545 image/webp MIME type support
 + 6552 FileBufferedInterceptor.dispose not working due to locked file
 + 6553 Review usage of Authentication.UNAUTHENTICATED in SecurityHandler
 + 6554 Allow creation of DefaultIdentityService without realmName.
 + 6556 MemcachedSessionDataMap needs to set the context classloader before serialization/deseriazliation.
 + 6558 Allow to configure return type in JSON array parsing
 + 6562 HttpOutput.write(ByteBuffer buffer)
 + 6565 Improve deployment of symlinked webapplications
 + 6566 High CPU use due to new thread created on every websocket message in DispatchedMessageSink
 + 6586 Remove some unnecessary dependencies
 + 6601 jetty-websocket-core not usable standalone, only with websocket-javax-server or websocket-jetty-server
 + 6602 SessionTracker memory leak on WebSockets that close immediately
 + 6603 HTTP/2 max local stream count exceeded
 + 6617 Add basic auth support for OpenId token endpoint (client_secret_basic)
 + 6618 ID token `azp` claim should not be required if `aud` is single value array
 + 6642 WebSocket handling of Connection: upgrade,close.
 + 6646 Deadlock in HTTP2Flusher when using a small thread pool due to incorrect InvocableType
 + 6652 Improve ReservedThreadExecutor dump
 + 6654 ServerUpgradeRequest.getCookies() can throws NullPointerException
 + 6661 Some SocketOptions not supported on Windows
 + 6679 Update to Apache Jasper 10.0.10
 + 6687 Upgrade Infinispan in all active Jetty branches
 + 6693 FastCGI review
 + 6696 High WebSocket memory usage
 + 6735 infinispan-embedded-query and infinispan-remote-query modules broken
 + 6752 DefaultSessionCache more extensible using ConcurrentMap
 + 6770 Bulk update of osgi testing dependencies
 + 6772 Update to asm 9.2
 + 6853 Remove pack200 plugins
 + 6860 IPv6 format
 + 6868 _uriCompliance attribute has been forgotten in the HttpConfiguration constructor from another configuration
 + 6869 Correct Content-Type within HTML error pages
 + 6870 Encode control characters in URIUtil.encodePath
 + 6883 Welcome file redirects do not honor the relativeRedirectAllowed option
 + 6938 file do not use the canonical order for the elements

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