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AW: AW: [platform-ui-dev] RE: [jdt-ui-dev] Hyperlinked code feature in M3

Yes, in order to prevent misunderstandings, since I may have not expressed
very well what I meant (sorry, english is not my native language), I will
try to describe it better with some examples. - Note however, that Eclipse
is really new to me and thus it might be that I'am wrong with the following
points and that there is some to me actually unknown way, to yield the same
wanted overview results. In that case I hope that you can bring in some
light into the dark.

Lets start...

From inside of a Java Editor I can hover with the mouse over a Java element
which will pop up a sort of main javadoc comment for the element. E.g. for a
class element reference I will get the initial javadoc comment for that
class. Pressing instead F2 on a selected element gives the portion/fraction
of javadoc comment related to the individual selection (right?). Now how do
I get the full javadoc description for a selected class/interface, including
all the field and method overview comment, as a scrollable pop up?

I thought alright maybe I have to use Shift-F2 here, but this shows me that
the Eclipse API javadocs have not been setup automatically in such a direct
usable form, which BTW would be nice to have as a default.

Let's say I just started to discover SWT and want to try out some of it's
capibilities, in order to get a better understanding for it's concepts. I
try some example code and see there two used constructors for GridData:

  - GridData()
  - GridData(nnn)

pressing F2 an any of those doesn't give me any descriptive javadoc. Further
GridData(int style) seems to can get some sort of integer styles as
arguments, pressing F2 on any of those arguments doesn't give one any
descriptive javadoc comment for possibly available styles. So how does one
get context sensitive help about what these styles are and what they might
stand for at all?

That's what I basically meant with "inconsistencies". Even the above
sketched example is one I just adhoc remember, I found a lot of such places
across the Eclipse API. There are some more places where you won't get any
direct javadoc context help for selected topics at all.

This somehow looks for me like the degree of javadoc comments (as general
API documentations) is not overall equally balanced. I believe, that this
might be (?) in fact related to the general problems of bigger distributed
development team, where not all team members are writing the same degree of
javadocs for the parts they are working on or might be resposible for. -
Well this is of course just a speculation from my side, since I don't know
how this is actually handled by the whole Eclipse development team. Please
correct me if I'am totally wrong here with this assumption.

As a possibly better describing example I would like to raise the following
scenario. Lets say you use Eclipse and JBuilder side by side, even both of
these have different underlayed architecture/API concepts. When you get lost
in/by using some JBuilder API functionality, it's context sensitive help
system offers a better direct overall javadoc overview for the selected Java
element. There you will also get the whole help context surrounding the
selected element and also direct links (jump marks) to the directly involved
other element topics etc. In contrast here, inside Eclipse I always have to
spend much time, in order to find first some valuable point, where the whole
needed topic surrounding documentation and things related to that may

Greetings Valentino

> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> Von: jdt-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:jdt-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]Im Auftrag von Erich Gamma
> Gesendet: Samstag, 23. November 2002 13:06
> An: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Betreff: Re: AW: [platform-ui-dev] RE: [jdt-ui-dev] Hyperlinked code
> feature in M3
> >That results to somehow inconsistent looking javadocs format styles,
> >especially if you compare JDK docs with those of Eclipse and use both
> >together. - I dislike this mismatch much.
> Can you please provide some examples of the inconsistencies you see?
> --erich
>                       "Valentino
>                       Kyriakides"               To:
> <jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>                       <vkyriakides@web.         cc:
>                       de>                       Subject: AW:
> [platform-ui-dev] RE: [jdt-ui-dev] Hyperlinked code feature in
>                       Sent by:                  M3
>                       jdt-ui-dev-admin@
>                       11/23/2002 01:00
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       jdt-ui-dev
> I know and F2 works now better under M3 I've just installed, as for the
> previous versions I've tried out.
> However, some API classes are still poorly documented and the javadoc
> documentation style used for most Eclipse API classes etc. is far
> away from
> what the guidelines mentioned under:
> That results to somehow inconsistent looking javadocs format styles,
> especially if you compare JDK docs with those of Eclipse and use both
> together. - I dislike this mismatch much.
> -Valentino
> That makes me wonder
> > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: jdt-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > [mailto:jdt-ui-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx]Im Auftrag von Scott Stanchfield
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 22. November 2002 15:54
> > An: jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> > Betreff: RE: [platform-ui-dev] RE: [jdt-ui-dev] Hyperlinked code feature
> > in M3
> >
> >
> > > 3. The hover javadoc popups inside the java editor only show a
> > > short broken
> > > fraction of the whole javadoc. The information shown there often
> doesn't
> > > show enough of the javadoc explanation for the selected
> > elements. Further
> > > this popup actually isn't scrollable, so that it possibly could
> > > show more of
> > > the javadoc contents related to an selected element, if it would be
> > > scollable (?).
> >
> > You can press F2 to get the full javadoc as a "tooltip", with
> > scrollbars...
> > -- Scott
> > _______________________________________________
> > jdt-ui-dev mailing list
> > jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
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> jdt-ui-dev mailing list
> jdt-ui-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
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