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[jdt-ui-dev] resource decoration & interaction w/JDT

Hi folks. We are having a fairly serious problem with getting our resource
decorations working properly. More specifically, we have big problems when
attempting to decorate a .java file in any view the where the JDT
recognizes .java files as Java source (i.e. the package explorer).

There are two major problems we are facing:

1) There doesn't seem to be any way to isolate the IResource instance from
the IJavaElement instance. When we add a decoration, the decoration gets
added not only to the top-level resource, but also to the ICompilationUnit
indicators (the 'C' image underneath the IResource).

2) In Eclipse 2.0.1 (but not 2.0), our decorators don't show up at all for
.java files JDT is aware of. For example, our decorations do not show up on
a .java file in the package explorer view, but do show up for a .properties
file in the package explorer view. In the Resource perspective Navigator
view, all file types get decorated properly.

The observed behavior is the same on Win2K and Linux.

We've posted to the newsgroup on this, and got back some
advice to add a separate extension to decorate based on IJavaElement as
well as IResource. This doesn't seem very attractive, and, we can't help
but notice that the CVS decoration mechanism (which does not seem to
exhibit these symptoms) doesn't seem to reference JDT specially in any way.

We've looked through the CVS source a lot, and modeled our stuff from it,
and can't see that we did anything different that would cause this sort of
behavior... any and all advice/assistance would be hugely appreciated!


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