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[jdt-dev] Github workflow

Hi folks, 

I've been reviewing and I have a couple of suggestions about our github development flow:

1. I suggest recommend a simpler fork/pull workflow. My setup is like this:

fork eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.ui
clone eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.ui
git remote add thomas .../tsmaeder/eclipse.jdt.ui

This way, branches are set up to track eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.ui, not my fork. I never have to sync the fork, it purely exists to house my branches used in PR's. I always pull from the main repo.

2. We should set up a codeowners file that suggests reviewers for new PR's: many changes in gerrit got lost because no-one was requested.
3. We should set up a PR template that explains what we expect in a PR. Links to docs pages are fine. 
4. Should we require an approval before merging?
5. Commit messages: now that we can have multiple commits in a PR, using the bug title as the commit message does not make sense to me. I would much rather have a concise description of the change. Look at this one, for example: I doubt "[postfix] assist "sif" gone wild " is a very helpful commit message. Including a bug number for fixes is still helpful, though. Note that there is tooling in Github that allows you to find the PR a change was introduced in. So if you really need to know the history of a change....
6. Do we expect/recommend people to sign their commits with gpg?
7. Unless we have a technical reason not to, I would recommend we protect the master branch against direct pushes. PR's only. 

discuss ;-)


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