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[jakartaee-tck-dev] Clarification on component Specification level TCKS support for running Platform TCK testing of Platform requirements...

There are a number of different (Standalone) component TCKs, some of which contain tests that are specifically for validating Platform TCK requirements (such as CDI,Bean Validation and now Batch). 

There are some (Standalone) component TCKs that currently only contain tests specifically for Java SE style of testing that do not contain tests for validating Platform TCK requirements such as JSONP.  There is nothing wrong with this, as the new JSONP TCK will achieve our goals for validating JSONP implementation in the best way possible.  What this probably means is that the Platform TCK could try to integrate the new JSONP TCK tests to also be runnable on EE containers { ejb, jsp, servlet, appclient } via a maven pom.  Or the Platform TCK could try to validate the Platform requirements for JSONP a different way (perhaps via the existing Platform TCK tests for JSONP).  There are other possibilities as well but this is still pending development to figure out for

For Batch TCK, my understanding is that we might be able to meet the Platform requirements for Batch via running the Batch TransactionTests with EJB, Servlet, JSP vehicles or perhaps new Platform TCK test code (not clear yet which is better for addressing 


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