Hi Brian,
For issues such as you discovered below, the TCK UG can simply require the JVM option to be set when running these tests.
You could make this configurable with different golden files but I would suggest deferring on that scenario until Java SE 8 is no longer supported.
Now that an early version of the 9.1 TCK is available, it seems like a good time to start discussing potential issues with Java 11 testing. We've been testing using Java 11 & the 9.0.x TCK with Open Liberty for quite some
time, and we've had success getting a large percentage of the tests working with little trouble.
One area of obvious difference that we should discuss is in the JSTL bucket. There are 29 tests doing things with Dates, TimeZones, and the like that fail for us when using Java 11.
Typical failure [Note the added comma]:
Goldenfile -
Dec 26, 1997 10:11:34 PM<br>
Server response -
Dec 26, 1997, 10:11:34 PM<br>
Java 9+ changed to using CLDR for locales so there's a handful of minor differences like the above reflected throughout the results. There is a JVM option (-Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT) that reverts the behavior to what was used in Java 8, and the tests pass
fine with that in place. Is that the right solution here, or should we be looking at adding/updating golden files in the TCK so they are correct for Java 11?
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