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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [External] : Re: [] Quick update on Jakarta EE 10 release

If that's the case, we need to update the TCK documentation page for GlassFish with the correct link and SHA Sum.

Thank you,

-- Ed

On 7/11/2022 7:46 PM, Gurunandan Rao wrote:
Ed, Arjan, was used for the Activation ballot, same should be used for Glassfish certification.


From: jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 12 July 2022 06:05
To: arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx>; jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] [External] : Re: [] Quick update on Jakarta EE 10 release

This is great news.

Moving this to the Platform Dev list -- I looked at some of the TCK details --

I think we need the following updates to happen:

  • Dependency Injection: Update specification page to add the 2.0.2 release/TCK
  • Bean Validation: Update specification page to add the 2.0.1 release/TCK

The following TCK SHA sums don't match what's published at Jakarta EE Specification page

  • Activation 2.1 -- I'm not sure what happened to this TCK. If it has been rebuilt and the current staged TCK must be used, a 2.1.1 bug-fix should be pushed.
  • Faces 4.0 -- I'm not sure what happened to this TCK. If it has been rebuilt and the current staged TCK must be used, a 4.0.1 bug-fix should be pushed.
  • Authentication 3.0 -- There is a PR open in the Spec. repo and it appears to point to a TCK with the correct SHA sum. Shouldn't this be called a bug-fix release (i.e. 3.0.1)? This is related to the merging of all TCK tests into a single PR (previously, it was in two separate TCKs). This PR should be merged when it's ready.
  • RESTful Web Services 3.1 -- The links to the TCK sums on the Spec. page don't seem to be correct. The Specification web-page links need to be fixed. This is just a bug in the Spec. page and it should be an easy update.

I propose we confirm this in the Platform meeting tomorrow.

-- Ed

On 7/11/2022 10:22 AM, arjan tijms wrote:

On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 11:49 PM Emily Jiang <EMIJIANG@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
As promised at this week's Jakarta EE Steering committee, I am providing a quick update on the status of the 3 outstanding issues that prevent Jakarta EE 10 Platform, Web Profile and Core Profile from going to ballot.

  1. CDI issue: LangModelTckTest failing in Glassfish
  2. The issue was discussed and then closed. The conclusion was that Glassfish would provide a fix to get the tests to pass. The good news is that this will not require a new CDI service release.
In summary, for issue 1, glassfish needs to do a fix and then a release. 

It appeared to be a fix for the CDI Runner (the GF specific code for running the TCK). So neither GF nor CDI required a new release, only the runner script needed to be updated.

I filed the CCR for the full platform and GlassFish 7 here:

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms


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