So there must be a missing exclude of the javaee-full group
because all of these tests are marked with that group. Those
tests are only to be run on a full platform implementation.
+1, Guru Rao updated the TCK runner and GlassFish 7 is now
passing the CDI TCK tests on Web Profile. We still need to also
run the CDI Language Model TCK tests as well (on Web Profile +
Full Platform).
There are still failures in the concurrency tck
after porting all ears to wars with ejbs. There are JNDI lookup
failures, so I'm still looking into that.
So all passes now except for Concurrency on Web
Profile, right? Concurrency is about to create a new
release, they just need to sort out whether it will
be just a patch release or a minor release (which
requires a new ballot).