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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Pushing RCx or Mx to maven central


The staging repo can indeed easily be added to any pom, although if anyone doesn’t want or can’t do that, an alternative is adding it to .m2/settings.xml.

Note that, for instance, Tomcat uses milestone APIs while Tomcat is of course not under EE4J.

Pushing milestones to maven central or not has been a somewhat controversial issue. Some people insist on it, while other people are absolutely against it, and some people are neutral (meaning they eg push to central if someone request it).

Maybe it would be good to have a clear statement of direction here. 

On Thursday, January 13, 2022, Ivar Grimstad <ivar.grimstad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just to clarify, the Jakarta Staging repository is publicly available and not limited to EE4J implementations at all. 

You just have to add the necessary repository configuration in your pom file.


On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 6:06 AM Emily Jiang via jakartaee-platform-dev <> wrote:
Hi Mark,
Can you explain why you think the artifacts should not be pushed to maven central? One of the reasons for pushing the artifacts to maven central is to make it easier for others to access the artifacts and then provide feedback. If all of the artifacts are in staging, only the projects under EE4J can access them freely, which creates a barrier for other projects to obtain these artifacts.


On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 8:12 AM Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
For Servlet, Pages, EL, WebSocket: No.

Implementations should use the staging repository if they want access to
non-final release artifacts.


On 12/01/2022 23:12, Emily Jiang via jakartaee-platform-dev wrote:
> At the moment, some specs push RCx or Mx to maven central, which is
> great so that implementations can easily pick them up and provide
> feedback if anything is not working. However, not all specs follow this
> approach. Can we get the following specs to push their latest Mx or RCx
> to maven central so that implementations can easily consume them? Open
> Liberty would like to consume the artifacts as soon as possible so that
> we can provide timely feedback if we find any issues.
>   * authentication 3.0
>   * authorization 2.1
>   * concurrency 3.0
>   * connectors 2.1
>   * _expression_ language 5.0
>   * faces 4.0
>   * jsonp 2.1
>   * jsonb 3.0
>   * jstl 3.0
>   * messaging 3.1
>   * pages 3.1
>   * persistence 3.1
>   * restfulWS 3.1
>   * security 3.0
>   * servlet 6.0
>   * websocket 2.1
> Your help is greatly appreciated!
> --
> Thanks
> Emily
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Ivar Grimstad

Jakarta EE Developer Advocate | Eclipse Foundation Eclipse Foundation - Community. Code. Collaboration. 

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