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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to Prune in Jakarta EE 9

Lots of questions, Jonathan!  Not all of them related directly to this Pruning thread, but I'll try to answer them...  :-)

jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 11/26/2019 09:08:29:

> From: Jonathan Gallimore <jgallimore@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> * Vendors could still provide support for the components that have
> been removed? (I'm assuming this is a yes based on my reading)

Correct.  The pruned technologies could still be supported by the various vendors.

> * Would those specs still use the javax. package? (again, I'm assuming a yes)

Correct.  The pruned technologies would continue to use the javax namespace.

> * For specs like CMP beans for example, would we produce a spec jar
> that still had the CMP specific stuff with a javax. package, and the
> other enterprise bean classes and interfaces move to jakarta.?

No.  A separate spec jar for just CMP beans (or any of the other pruned technologies) would not be produced.

> * If removed specs wanted to evolve outside Jakarta EE in
> the future, would they still sit under javax., or would they need to
> move to another package if that evolution happened? 

The javax namespace can not be used with any evolving technologies.  Any updates to the APIs that exist in javax.* would require a move to another namespace, such as jakarta.*.

> * If those specs did evolve (I know this may well be unlikely),
> could different app servers targeting the same Jakarta EE version
> potentially target different versions of these removed specs?

What happens to these specs is beyond the scope of this discussion.  But, hopefully there would be a coordinated effort to have a single solution.

> * If, say, JAX-WS is removed, for example, but vendors still wished
> to support it, is there any vision for what that might look like?
> For example, would an end user be able to expect an EJB 3.x session
> bean exposed as a web service to still work, or would that be
> entirely up to individual vendors? If EJB session beans are kept and
> JAX-WS removed, would we expect any EJBs annotated with JAX-WS
> annotations to fail at deploy time?

Remeber, JAX-WS is not being removed.  It has not been part of Java EE for years.  It was moved to Java SE a long time ago.  But, now Java SE doesn't want these "Enterprise" APIs in their space, so they were dropped from Java SE 11.  The question being asked is whether these Specs need to move to Jakarta?  Or, should they just continue to live in their stable format in the javax namespace?

> * What's the overhead to keeping these specs for now, and planning
> to prune after the package rename has taken place?

If these items are not pruned before the package rename then we have much more work to do.  We have to move and update the Specifications, the APIs, the TCKs, and the Reference Implementations to the jakarta namespace.  This is all extra work that we really have to question the usefulness of.  If the proposed specs are dormant and not evolving, then why move them and go to this extra effort?  We can just continue to use them in the javax namespace.

> I appreciate all the discussion on this - thank you.

YW.  I hope this helps.

-- Kevin

> Jon

> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 10:44 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> +1
> I know that the Enterprise Web Services specification is kind of
> tied to the JAXB/JAX-WS discussion in the Add vote.  But, since I
> would like to see none of this in Jakarta EE 9, I'm voting a +1 for
> all of this pruning on the hopes that it might help influence the
> Add Specification discussion.
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Kevin Sutter
> STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
> e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
> phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
> LinkedIn:
> From:        "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To:        jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-
> platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date:        11/17/2019 10:56
> Subject:        [EXTERNAL] [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE:
> Specifications to Prune in Jakarta        EE 9
> Sent by:        jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

> See previous email for context.
> All committers please vote on this proposal for specifications to be
> pruned from the Jakarta EE 9 platform specifications.

> The following specifications will be *removed* from Jakarta EE 9
> Full profile specification.

> - Jakarta XML Registries JSR 93
> - Jakarta XML RPC  JSR 101
> - Jakarta Deployment JSR 88
> - Jakarta Management JSR 77 note this was not optional or deprecated
> in Java EE 8

> - Jakarta Enterprise Bean entity beans – Note this is old style CMP
> and BMP entity beans NOT JPA Entities

> - Jakarta Enterprise Bean interoperability
> - Jakarta Enterprise Bean 2.x and 1.x client view
> - Jakarta Enterprise Web Services  JSR 109
> Please vote by reply with +1, 0, -1 in accordance with the Eclipse
> Development Process.

> Thanks
> Steve_______________________________________________
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> Jonathan Gallimore
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