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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to add in Jakarta EE 9

Very nice plan but I would like to say that two important things are missing:

1. Pls release the individual APIs to the Maven Central without waiting for the whole umbrella EE 9 has finished.
If the API does not necessarily wait for another pending API then cut a release.
The speed is extremely important, otherwise releasing all APIs in the umbrella would make no difference from JCP regarding the speed of release.
Remember that Spring/Pivotal makes frequent releases and we have to be fast as well.

2. The next thing is that i expected Jakarta EE 9 been aligned with Java SE 9 implementing the Java Modularity in EE APIs.
Otherwise, the version 8.1.0 would be just fine to have -> new features in minor version (1).
This release model provides very fast response according to the user requirements.
The features always become small, independently released and fast available.
You may release alpha versions from git branch for vendors of application servers and release candidates.


On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 5:58 PM Steve Millidge (Payara) <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

See previous email for context.


All committers please vote on this proposal for specifications to added from Java SE 8 to the Jakarta EE 9 platform specification.


The following APIs corresponding to Java SE 8 APIs will be

added to Jakarta EE 9 Full Profile

- Jakarta XML Binding

- Jakarta Activation



Please vote by reply with +1, 0, -1 in accordance with the Eclipse Development Process.





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