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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] No new specifications for Jakarta EE 9


I'd rather see Jakarta EE 9 without any new features. Not because I don't like new features, I do. However features need to be discussed, tested, might fail or might be rejected, or someone might find a last moment problem with it. Etc. All of this tends to push the deadline away further, or causes the initial deadline to be planned further in the future.

But in the spirit of pretending; Jakarta Security could do with an accidentally forgotten Serializable interface on an object intended for the HttpSession (


For even more giggles, maybe pretend the deadline to be Q12020 :P

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 9:33 AM Emmanuel Bernard <ebernard@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 4 Nov 2019, at 9:08, Ivar Grimstad wrote:

> MVC?
> We are about to ship MVC 1.0 through the JCP and will move over to
> Jakarta
> as soon as possible after that. I would say that it is a potential
> candidate to add to the Web Profile?
> If Jakarta NoSQL is ready, I would say it is a candidate as well

I don't think we can qualify this effort as ready. I'd rather see it
battle tested and used before we commit to it at the platform level. I'd
love for Jakarta to bring the notion of incubating spec were we could
break things still and see the feedback from the users.

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