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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] *Help Needed* A few more sections left for Platform and Web Profile specs

For the related documents section, we need to know what the URL pattern for the specification projects is going to be. Then one could go through the doc, update the spec project names, and replace the jcp URL with a{spec-short-name}

Where I assume that the {spec-short-name} will also be the name being used as the root of the specification subtree in the repository for the content that is made available under{spec-short-name}.

On Jul 9, 2019, at 10:30 AM, Bill Shannon <bill.shannon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think some of the images need to be recreated and updated so as to remove "Java EE" and "JavaMail" (at least), and any of the acronyms that we are no longer using.

Kevin Sutter wrote on 7/9/19 10:05 AM:
The response has been fantastic since my request last week for "Jakarta-izing" the Platform and Web Profile specs!  Thank you!

But, we still have a few sections left where we could use some more help:
  • specification/src/main/asciidoc/platform/RevisionHistory.adoc
  • specification/src/main/asciidoc/platform/RelatedDocuments.adoc
  • specification/src/main/asciidoc/webprofile/RevisionHistory.adoc
  • specification/src/main/asciidoc/webprofile/RelatedDocuments.adoc
  • specification/src/main/asciidoc/platform/PreviousVersionDeploymentDescriptors.adoc

Please consider helping out.  Let us know which section you are willing to help with by commenting directly in the Issue.  We need to complete this exercise by the end of the week.  Thanks again for your help!

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

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