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[] Minutes from Jakarta EE Steering Committee Meeting on June 5 (Approved at June 19 Steering Committee Meeting)

Minutes from Jakarta EE Steering Committee Meeting on June 5

Fujitsu: Kenji Kazamura
IBM: Dan Bandera
Oracle: Will Lyons
Payara: Steve Millidge
Red Hat: (not present)
Tomitribe: Richard Monson-Haefel

Eclipse: Mike Milinkovich

Review of Minutes from Prior Meeting
The 5/29 meeting minutes were approved.

Marketing Committee Update
The Social Media Policy was adopted, including the Mission Statement for the Marketing Committee.  Will be published along with the latest MC minutes.

Working on the editorial calendar and list of events.   Will use F2F time in Toulouse to work on this calendar.

Also working on budget request.

Spec Committee Update
The Eclipse Foundation Specification Process: Goals and Requirements v2 document is nearly ready to be published for external feedback. Mike waiting for final round of comments - he requests "+1"s from spec committee members in order to take the next step.

Technical Vision Update/PMC
The PMC has publish a proposed Technical Mission/Vision document, for Jakarta EE as a whole, in the link to the 5/22 PMC meeting minutes.  

PMC Minutes are posted at
Here is the link to the Technical Direction document:
The PMC went through comments and are close to complete with this document.  Will be ready for publishing end of week on the EE4J Web site.   Ivar will note when it is published such that the marketing committee can highlight it.   SC members should review independently.   Feedback should go to the PMC.  

Status of Oracle Contributions
EE4J Project Bootstrapping:

The high-level status of EE4J projects (as of midday 5/29) is as follows (with progress in parentheses)
  • 39 project proposals have been created
  • 29 project committers and resources have been provisioned
  • 24 of these projects have initial contributions provided to the Eclipse IP team
  • 18 of these projects have the initial contribution pushed to the Git Repository

The high-level status of EE4J projects (as of midday 6/5) is as follows (with progress in parentheses)
  • 39 project proposals have been created
  • 30 project committers and resources have been provisioned (+1)
  • 24 of these projects have initial contributions provided to the Eclipse IP team
  • 18 of these projects have the initial contribution pushed to the Git Repository

Oracle submitted a request for (non-standard) EDL licensing, "in the event it is required" for the next Eclipse BOD meeting per suggestion last week. 

Recruitment of new members; Elections
Paul will set elections to run the week of June 18.   Paul will send out a public note to this effect, and connect with nominees.

Legal Documents

  No significant updates from the last meeting
  Oracle and Eclipse Foundation have a meeting scheduled on 6/5.
Budget for 2019
The Eclipse Foundation is looking to have a commitment to a multi-year budget by Sept 15.  Feedback from participants is requested.

Per Dan, members should begin the process of internal discussions.  

Eclipse looking initially on:
a) total size of budget of WG
b) prioritization of line items

EF policy is that WG dues/fees will be structured based on size of company.    There may be charges for participant members, strategic members, etc.   That needs to be decided by the WG.

Examples of other similar groups and their budgets was requested.   Dan's input was that the budget was reasonably typical for such efforts.   He will look to see if there is any public data he can provide via form 990s or other.

EF is also beginning planning for Jakarta One.   Expect to be distributing a planning structure for this event over the next 1-2 weeks.  Planning for web conference can proceed independently of the physical conference planning.

Build Process
The Eclipse Foundation uses CloudBees/Jenkins Enterprise.   Changing from this to something currently used internally by Oracle would be a problem.  However, this concern was addressed in the build meeting.   Resolved.

Other Business
Is the process for posting Steering Committee minutes publicly at the Jakarta EE Working Group web site in place.

Not yet.   Working as possible.
Reminder - the June 12 (next week) and July 3 Steering Committee meetings are cancelled.

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